Revolution in our lifetime

The Denver Communists organize together on the basis of mutual commitment to revolutionary socialism, internationalism, and liberation from all oppression.

Our politics are distinct from social democrats, anarchists, and other socialists, though we happily work with any of them toward common goals. We’re communists in the tradition of Marx, Engels, Lenin, Trotsky, and Luxemburg.

The Denver Communists began in 2012 as a branch of the International Socialist Organization and stayed together when it dissolved in 2019. Together with the Seattle and Boston Revolutionary Socialists and comrades around the country, we founded a new national organization called Firebrand in 2022.

Our national organization:

Come to a meeting

We meet weekly to discuss politics and our organizational work. We start with a brief presentation on political readings, followed by a moderated discussion.

Wednesdays at 6pm MT on Zoom

Topics and readings here:

Fully-Automated Luxury gay Space Communism

We believe, as Arundhati Roy wrote, “Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing.” But we have to fight for that other world—and fight in an organized manner!

To that end, we are dedicated to the study and application of revolutionary socialist theory, history, strategy, and tactics. We think Marxist methods and arguments can illuminate every issue and fuel every fightback. We intervene in social movements and labor struggles, in order to advance those fights and win our fellow fighters to revolutionary socialism.

If you have a burning desire to understand and change the world, we want to work with you!

Our Recent Presentations


Palestinian Liberation
By Any Means Necessary
Critical Support for Ceasefire
Demands & Resolutions
Drip Café is Anti-Gay
No Neo-Nazi Bible Study
On Immigrant Rights
On Mass Demonstrations
Our Points of Unity
On Trans Liberation